Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Rough Waters

When the decisions are a struggle
and the light begins to fade
there is a candle in the dark
to light the way

I have struggled through the Fall and buried myself in Mother Earth. Only to come to the understanding that It has never been a favorable season for me. An awakening long needed. There was no spiritual enlightenment. Only the mundane. The reality of life lived in this world. The realization of the connection between me and the rest of everything else. This was a shock and I mourned the loss of something that I truly never had.

In the cold Winter months I celebrate the element Water and all the emotions that flow within it. I knew this path I chose to take two seasons ago but I did not know the deep changes that resided in it. And now that I am here, lost in emotion, I know why it has taken me so long to take this journey. It is life changing, heart wrenching, all consuming. I breath, eat and live as every thought and action immerses itself in the elements.

I chose water in the form of ice for the season of Winter. Ice blue in color. Frozen in time. My house drips of hand made snow flakes to remind myself, that although I live in the desert, somewhere time is at a stand still. This is how I would prefer my lesson in water be. Still. Empty. This is how I prefer my emotions to be.

However, water is powerful, raging, transforming, cleansing, ever changing, soothing, drowning. There is play time in the shallows and no air in the deep dark hallows of hidden emotions. Demanding time. Demanding honesty. Demanding all of me.

The waters only rage over rough terrain. Terrain that perhaps need to be smoothed. Places where new paths need to be carved. There, in the wake of the storm, when the flood is over, will lay a shallow pool of cool, calm, refreshing blue water to gaze into and reflect upon.

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